MGS2 Solid Snake headsculpt by Amnur

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well...youre right.
I'll do a smaller one, a little smaller than GZ, and recast, repaint for those who had ordered painted and ship them again to you guys.
My apologies. I just dont get why the originals was the same size....
Amnur, I know I'm a newcomer here, but if you're making new/resized casts of the SS2 head, is there anyway I can be added to the list?
Yes, sure.
Just a quick update. I have finished the headsculpt. Just need now to sculpt the lower hair portion. Will post some pics side by side with the old one.
Here it is:
This one is a comparison with the originals.

This one is a comparison with a painted one.
How would you feel about sending them out to us anyway? or you selling them on seems a shame to throw them away!

Also buddy, did you make any changes to the smaller sculpt? It seems different somehow.