[PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package - SHIPPING MARCH

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check tracking.
Levit - if you still want your set - which is ready - pm me.
Otherwise i will refund your NRD as a special case and resell your set to another buyer.

I've been gone for over a month due to security and family reasons.
If the details of my absence are of your concern you can pm me to have more detail,
but i have been off of social networks and any threads since beginning of December.

I will never be doing deposit sales ever again, and all future projects will be first come first serve for completed items only. aka - I will only sell items that are completely finished.
Tracking down final payments from everyone and organizing everything was a nightmare as only 50% of people paid the final payment when it was needed, so I worked deep into the red because of it. I am still out 2 sets worth of final payments, including one non responder. I would rather put the money up front myself and take that risk then be dependant on buyers from months back. other artist started to do this and i feel its the best way for both sides.

Sorry for the last 4 guys, it took longer. you will see a partial refund in paypal to show good faith on my end, and although you may not be interested in my future work at least you can know that from now on if you are buying from me, the product is ready to ship (ie lantern, glasses etc).

not much else i can say. lack of response and delays r my bad. full responsibility. but all sets are now out.
now continue the barrage on me - I fully understand.
Roast on, my friends.
hi phine 1!

if i can buy this beautiful dxx package ...
send me private message please!

i want !
Rob, I'm glad you're back on and hope that everything is OK with whatever has kept you off social media. Can you please PM me with details of when my DXX set will be shipping and the relevant tracking number. The old tracking number still does not work and I would like to know. Thanks!
Rob, I tried entering the new tracking number for the replacement part but on the usps website it says it cannot locate this number. Is the tracking number correct on the first page? Has this been sent out yet? Thanks.
Rob, thank you for finally getting my DXX set to me. It's been along wait but worth it. It's a great set and shows off your excellent workmanship! Please continue with your current projects. I think your approach of selling what is already made is a good one. One final request. Please do though ensure that you maintain communications with your customers. I guarantee you that, pending delivery, that's mostly what they're after! Thanks again!
Rob - my package still shows the same old accepted status. Can you check if it was actually handed over. Usually it moves to processed at facility fairly quickly - pls do check as it's over 10 days.

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I had 4 packages returned to me today due to "weight" . (it was 0.4kg off :/ - all the rest made it through. hrmph)
Leon, Rendog, and Erik S - look for new tracking.

I'll redo shipping today at the post office to ensure everything is accurate, new tracking will be provided.

Jeff - I'm glad you received it and i apologize for the wait.
I will send you a pm in regards to something personal id like to do for you along with the other guys waiting.

Transhii - the part is on it's way, not sure why tracking wont update. same thing was happening with jeffs set. :/

anything new? just trying to work the last part out....thanks

updated my premium, you can send PM's again. :) :wave
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Good on you bro!

I'm really happy to see you made good on all of this. Whether it was first project disasters, other personal obstacles, a mix of both... I'm happy to see you put a nail in this. Whatever the hurdles were, it's clear they weren't easy to get over, so good on you for sticking it out to the finish :hi5: :duff
I have still not received it and not getting any updates either
Phine can you pls confirm what's going on?

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I have still not received it and not getting any updates either
Phine can you pls confirm what's going on?

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plz refer to first page. tracking updated. :wave
It kept saying will be delivered on 10th feb so we Are 8 + days out from it.

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it was returned due to weight ~ see above post.
that was the est. delivery time of first attempt.

theyre all back out and with the correct weight (only these ones didn't make it out of every single set. cracking down on EXACT weights i guess)
^^ phine - I am sorry to say this but if they were returned back you could have told me? It causes unnecessary confusion. Or is that too much to ask for.

In Any case right now it's showing no updates on that tracking so am assuming this is handed over to the post office and is not just a tracking and sitting at home cause this is the third tracking number for me. The first one never moved an inch for months , the second one was returned due to weight as you say and the third one is this one.

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