[PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package - SHIPPING MARCH

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Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Sooooo, Phine.... has anyone ever told you that you're pretty good at this?

I wouldn't worry too much about what you said in regards to pricing. Sure, people aren't hoping to break the bank, but I highly doubt that anyone thought this full kit with typewriter would be under $100.

Real liquid in the bottle would be nuts and the packaging looks amazing! :clap

haha, Thanks Mike. much appreciated!!
I think my teachers may have said a thing or two.... hmm ;) haha
I like to believe i was taught by the best, to do the best, in the best amount of time.
Vancouver Film School will beat it into you to succeed, or you fail. there is no try.

Thanks again and hope to keep you updated on progress as it goes :)

if all set will be 100-120$ it will be great offer.

That is an accurate approximate ballpark for what it will cost. give or take.
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

I would not personally want a redrum door unless it was full 1/6 scale, I think the key to fitting into the door packaging is a nice touch but will it be a factor that drives up the cost?
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

the door / packaging will be a 1/6 scale door made of real wood.

and no, the key fitting wont add to cost. i am modelling it that way.
Trust me when I say I will keep cost down as much as possible, I am not trying to get rich here - I am already anticipating taking a loss in terms of time. This is purely driven by my passion for quality 1/6 artwork.
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Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Please add me to the list. Thanks
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Phine; you just keep doing your thing. This set looks ridiculous and worth every cent it's going to cost.
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Awesome! I received his Plainview chair and It was top notch. This is going to be insane.
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Phine; you just keep doing your thing. This set looks ridiculous and worth every cent it's going to cost.

Absolutely!! This appears to be truly something special. Everytime I check this thread it gets better and better. You are a very talented individual Phine! :duff
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Phine1....after the success of this set run...maybe you can take on the "dude" set which was basically killed with a shotgun to the chest...lol...i'm loving the liquid idea since the dude-a-rino has that white Russian...anyways...I also sent you a PM....man....i'm telling you...you shouldn't have revealed how uncanny you are with your skills!!!...boatload of requests and money on their way to you...:)
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Thanks guys... and pm recieved levit, ill be in touch mid-week for more info :)

I am entertaining the idea of further accessory sets but as i said earlier getting this prototype done asap is my main goal. So time will tell what the future has in store, now the focus is nailing these items :)
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

I am in for the set... P.m. me for payment details
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

pls. put me down for a set..
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

where do i send the payments for the full sha bang painted ? that box looks killer :D cant wait for this will go epic with my rainman piece ^_^
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Hope I'm not to late for this, Can I still get in on this?:pray:
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

where do i send the payments for the full sha bang painted ? that box looks killer :D cant wait for this will go epic with my rainman piece ^_^

I will be accepting payments once first prototype is complete for viewing. :) and thank you!! - I'm looking forward to displaying it with Jack as well :)

Hope I'm not to late for this, Can I still get in on this?[emoji14]ray:

Added. It will be first come first serve ordering when the time comes.

Just an update for everyone - I have been pretty sick with a chest cold for the last week but I am just now getting over it. Luckily when I'm sick I can spend more time at the computer modelling etc. So the models have been optimized to print, and I should have some physical updates for you all very soon.

Thanks for the ongoing support everyone, going for gold with this set. :duff
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Added. It will be first come first serve ordering when the time comes.

Just and update for everyone - I have been pretty sick with a chest cold for the last week but I am just now getting over it. Luckily when I'm sick I can spend more time at the computer modelling etc. So the models have been optimized to print, and I should have some physical updates for you all very soon.

Thanks for the ongoing support everyone, going for gold with this set. :duff
Great!We believe in you!
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Physical (prototype) Box Teaser (minus key, keychain, and room numbers)
More updates early next week. Stay tuned.
Re: [PHINE1] - Overlook Caretaker - Accessory Package

Very cool. Can't wait to see the rest